Our Practice is proud to offer a FREE yearly Health Assessment to all patients aged 75 and over.
It provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve health and/or quality of life.
Our specially trained division one nurse can perform this health assessment which usually takes between 30 - 60 minutes to complete.
The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. In addition to assessing a person's health status a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person's physical, psychological and social functioning.
During this visit we can discuss your general health, medications you are taking and in particular any FREE health services you may be eligible for, but may not be aware of.
Some specific components of the health assessment include
We recommend this assessment to help provide a comprehensive picture of your health, to help prevent future problems and enjoy better health for longer.
To put your name down for an assesment or for more information about this assessment, please phone the clinic on (03) 5572 2422.